শুক্রবার, ৩১ মে, ২০১৩

Multiple media outlets just say no to Eric Holder meeting

Attorney General Eric Holder (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

A growing number of news organizations invited to meet this week with Attorney General Eric Holder to discuss the Justice Department's guidelines governing security leak investigations that involve reporters are refusing the invitation citing the meetings' off-the-record status.

A Justice Department official said on Wednesday that meetings with select bureau chiefs will be off the record to "best facilitate the candid, free-flowing discussions we hope to have in order to bring about meaningful engagement."

Holder called the meetings this week as part of a department review directed by President Barack Obama after controversy over the secret seizure of Associated Press reporters' and editors' phone records and secret monitoring of Fox News reporter James Rosen.

But by Thursday afternoon, Reuters, Fox News, CNN, McClatchy and Huffington Post had joined the Associated Press and The New York Times in deciding to boycott the meetings due to their off-the-record status.

"I told folks that I'd be happy to participate if the meeting were on the record. And I offered to bring our First Amendment lawyer with me," McClatchy's Washington bureau chief James Asher wrote in an email to Yahoo News. "So far, no response."

"We would welcome the opportunity to hear the attorney general's explanation for the Department of Justice's handling of subpoenas to journalists, and his thoughts about improving the protections afforded to media organizations in responding to government investigations, but believe firmly that his comments should be for publication," Reuters spokesperson Barb Burg said on Thursday.

"CNN will decline the invitation for an off-the-record meeting," the cable news outlet noted in its coverage of the meeting on Thursday. "A CNN spokesperson says if the meeting with the attorney general is on the record, CNN would plan to participate."

Erin Madigan White, the AP's media relations manager, said in a widely circulated statement on Wednesday that "if it is not on the record, AP will not attend and instead will offer our views on how the regulations should be updated in an open letter."

"It isn't appropriate for us to attend an off-the-record meeting with the attorney general," New York Times Executive Editor Jill Abramson said in a statement.

Asked Thursday if the White House supports holding the meetings off the record, White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest, during a Q&A with pool reporters aboard Air Force One, referred questions on the ground rules for the meeting to the Justice Department. "They're the ones who are conducting the review. But we are hopeful that media organizations will take advantage of the opportunity to constructively contribute to this process," Earnest said.

When asked a question suggesting that holding these meetings off the record is hypocritical, he said, "No, I don?t actually see that."

So, who is going to the meetings?

Jerry Seib, Washington bureau chief for The Wall Street Journal, wrote in an email to Yahoo News late Thursday afternoon that "at this point, I?m planning to attend." He declined to comment on the boycott.

Los Angeles Times/Chicago Tribune Washington, D.C., bureau chief David Lauter will also attend, a spokeswoman confirmed on Thursday to Yahoo News.

ABC News, a partner of Yahoo News, confirmed its decision to send a representative, but said it will "press for that conversation to be put on the record." (Yahoo News was not invited to participate.)

Representatives for the The Washington Post have told news outlets they will attend.

And Politico is also rejecting the boycott. "As editor in chief, I routinely have off-the-record conversations with people who have questions or grievances about our coverage or our news gathering practices," John Harris wrote in an email. "I feel anyone?whether an official or ordinary reader?should be able to have an unguarded conversation with someone in a position of accountability for a news organization when there is good reason."

The Justice Department did not respond to Yahoo News' request for comment on Thursday on the boycott.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/select-media-outlets-turn-down-eric-holder-meeting-162920717.html

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ৩০ মে, ২০১৩

The dangerous aristocrats of finance | Edward Hadas - Reuters

In many ways, the financial world has changed remarkably little in the five years since the 2008 financial crisis. Yes, banks, brokers and other intermediaries are neither as profitable nor as popular as in the pre-crisis years. However, the industry is still arrogant, isolated and ridiculously lucrative. Leading financiers look more like pre-revolutionary aristocrats than normal businessmen.

Pay is the most obvious sign of this privileged social position. Consider JPMorgan, a fairly typical financial firm in terms of remuneration. Last year, the annual compensation per employee was $192,000.

That already seems high, but the measure includes the majority of employees whose pay is bunched around the $45,000 average for non-supervisory U.S. workers in finance. Assume that two-thirds of Morgan?s employees were in that group. For the rest, the people at the top and upper middle of the company, that leaves an average pretax reward of $485,000 ? more than 10 times the norm of the lower orders.

Few senior hedge fund managers, successful inter-broker dealers or other high earners in finance see themselves as seriously overpaid. They are wrong.

The rewards for financiers are excessive by three standards. First, professionals with comparable skills earn much less. Second, financiers are paid far more than is merited by their contributions to the common good. It is telling that the most richly rewarded financial activities ? trading, advanced financial engineering and sales ? are more likely to subtract than to add economic value. Finally, there is the matter of justice. Penance was in order after the industry?s foolish behaviour in the years leading up to the crisis. But instead of sackcloth and ashes, or bread and water, there are designer clothes and helicopter skiing, caviar and champagne.

The excessive pay can be interpreted as a sign of unfair or inefficient markets. It is that, but I think the deeper cause is not so much economic as sociological. Financiers have persuaded the broader society that they are modern aristocrats. Pampered lives are part of the package. They go along with an unthinking sense of entitlement and a mix of self-righteousness and self-centredness, with just a hint of condescending tolerance for limited criticism.

Of course, today?s financial aristocracy is different from traditional nobility. The contemporary titles (partner, managing director) and privileges (first-rate education, political influence) are not exactly hereditary, and long hours on the job have replaced a life of leisure. But I believe the commonalities are more significant.

Old aristocrats believed they protected social stability and dismissed radical critics as ignorant and disruptive. Similarly, most financial aristocrats are certain that the world would be much worse off without them and that their exalted position is good for everybody.

Ask an articulate trader about the social value of playing the yield curve to the detriment of clients, and the response will have the same unthinking certainty as a French count asked about the justice of the corv?e. The trader dismisses radical critics as well-intentioned but ignorant about the importance of high (and highly paid) finance.

In my view, the sociological analysis provides more insight into the industry?s condition than the more common argument about ?heads I win, tails you lose? incentives. I rarely meet financiers who would admit to being reckless or wasteful. What I observe is sublime and blind self-confidence.

Living largely with other members of their caste, they rarely have doubts. To them, more finance is always better than less and higher margins always better than lower. They welcome the development of more complicated financial products; they don?t worry much about the effect of these products on the rest of the economy.

Why has the financial aristocracy been able to hold on to so many of its privileges, despite its colossal failure in 2008? Again, look to sociology. There has been no revolution because there is no social force comparable to the rising French urban bourgeoisie, which exposed the uselessness of the old rural aristocracy, and eventually replaced them.

Right now, almost all power groups seem to be in thrall to the money men. Central bankers, who have good reason to complain, are either financiers themselves or unable to resist their pleas for special treatment. Politicians, who have even more grounds for discontent ? the majority of voters who borrow and suffer in the financiers? credit-intensive economy ? pay them court. Regulators, who should be shocked and appalled, are easily bamboozled or bought off with promises of joining the aristocracy later. Even borrowers are often grateful for their expensive loans.

Still, a revolution may come, even if the disempowered 99 percent don?t rebel. China is in a good position to play the leading role. Its trade surpluses, recycled into financial markets, help make the industry highly profitable. Whenever that money disappears, the current system could fall apart, and its leaders might finally learn something like humility.


Source: http://blogs.reuters.com/edward-hadas/2013/05/29/the-dangerous-aristocrats-of-finance/

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AP source: Obama picking Furman for economic post

WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama intends to nominate Jason Furman, a veteran White House economic official, as chairman of the president's Council of Economic Advisers, according to a person familiar with the decision.

The council is one of two conduits of economic advice to the president. The other is the National Economic Council, where Furman currently serves as principal deputy director. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the nomination has not been announced.

If confirmed by the Senate, Furman would replace Alan Krueger, who is returning to Princeton University.

Krueger, a labor economist, has been the face of the White House every first Friday of the month to respond to the government's monthly jobs report.

Furman's research has been focused on fiscal and tax policy, Social Security and monetary policy.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/ap-source-obama-picking-furman-economic-post-154343160.html

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রবিবার, ২৬ মে, ২০১৩

Jolie aunt dies of breast cancer days after op-ed

ESCONDIDO, Calif. (AP) ? Less than two weeks after Angelina Jolie revealed she'd had a double mastectomy to avoid breast cancer, her aunt died from the disease Sunday.

Debbie Martin died at age 61 at a hospital in Escondido, Calif. near San Diego, her husband, Ron Martin, told The Associated Press.

Debbie Martin was the younger sister of Jolie's mother, Marcheline Bertrand, whose own death from ovarian cancer in 2007 inspired the surgery that Jolie described in a May 14 op-ed in the New York Times.

According to her husband, Debbie Martin had the same defective BRCA1 gene that Jolie does, but didn't know it until after her 2004 cancer diagnosis.

"Had we known, we certainly would have done exactly what Angelina did," Ron Martin said in a phone interview.

Debbie Martin's death was first reported by E! News.

Ron Martin said after getting breast cancer, Debbie Martin had her ovaries removed preventively because she was also at very high genetic risk for ovarian cancer, which has killed several women in her family.

The 37-year-old Jolie said in her op-ed that her doctors estimated that she had a 50 percent risk of getting ovarian cancer but an 87 percent risk of breast cancer so she had her breasts removed first, reducing her likelihood to a mere 5 percent.

She described the three-step surgical process in detail in the op-ed "because I hope that other women can benefit from my experience."

The story, a surprise to most save those closest to Jolie, spurred a broad discussion of genetic testing and pre-emptive surgery.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/jolie-aunt-dies-breast-cancer-days-op-ed-002534814.html

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NKorean envoy delivers letter to China's president

BEIJING (AP) ? A top North Korean envoy has delivered a letter from leader Kim Jong Un to Chinese President Xi Jinping and told him Pyongyang would take steps to rejoin stalled nuclear disarmament talks, in an apparent victory for Beijing's efforts to coax its unruly ally into lowering tensions.

North Korean Vice Marshal Choe Ryong Hae's three-day visit was seen as a fence-mending mission after Pyongyang angered Beijing with recent snubs and moves to develop its nuclear program. Choe returned to North Korea late Friday.

The official China News Service said Choe delivered the handwritten letter from Kim to Xi at an afternoon meeting at the Great Hall of the People in central Beijing. It gave no details about the letter's contents.

North Korea is willing to work with all sides to "appropriately resolve the relevant questions through the six-party talks and other forms," Choe was quoted as saying by Chinese state broadcaster CCTV. He said Pyongyang was "willing to take active measures in this regard."

In a report released early Saturday, North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency quoted Choe as telling Xi that the alliance with China "cannot be exchanged for anything," but didn't make any reference to his remarks on the stalled talks or Pyongyang's nuclear arms development.

Choe offered no details on how North Korea planned to resume the talks, according to CCTV. North Korea walked away from the six-party nuclear disarmament talks in 2009 over disagreements on how to verify steps the North was meant to take to end its nuclear programs. Foreign observers often claim that North Korea has a history of raising tensions in an attempt to push its adversaries to negotiations meant to win aid.

Since its third nuclear test, in February, North Korea has repeatedly said that any future diplomatic talks would have to recognize it as a nuclear power. That's at odds with the basis of the six-party talks and puts Pyongyang at loggerheads with Washington, which says it won't accept North Korea as an atomic power and demands that talks be based on past commitments by the North to abandon its nuclear programs.

Still, Choe's remarks seem to indicate an easing of tensions between North Korea and its communist neighbor.

John Delury, a professor at Yonsei University in Seoul who specializes in China and North Korea, said the fact that Kim's envoy "is being quoted as saying that North Korea is open to China's suggestions already is a strong signal of kiss and make up."

"This trip is moving things back to a regular strategic dialogue," he said.

China has been under intense pressure from Washington to push North Korea into lowering tensions and resuming dialogue.

Xi reaffirmed longstanding ties between the communist neighbors, and urged all sides to "keep cool and exercise restraint."

The six-party talks, which include the Koreas, the U.S., Japan, China and Russia, should aim to end North Korea's nuclear programs and "maintain lasting peace and stability on the peninsula and in northeast Asia," Xi was quoted as saying.

The meeting followed an unusual half-year gap in high-level contacts during which Pyongyang angered Beijing by conducting rocket launches, a nuclear test and other saber-rattling ? spiking tensions with South Korea and the U.S.

Beijing considered the moves an affront to its interests in regional stability and showed its displeasure by joining with the U.S. to back U.N. sanctions and cut off dealings with North Korea's Foreign Trade Bank.

North Korea also frustrated Beijing by refusing to agree to high-level meetings and incensed the Chinese public this month with the detention of a Chinese fishing crew.

"The relationship is rocky, so they will try to mend the relationship," Cui Yingjiu, a retired professor of Korean at Peking University, said of North Korea. "Second, they also want to improve relations with the U.S. and need China to be their intermediary."

North Korea has figured prominently in recent visits by Secretary of State John Kerry and other U.S. officials, and Choe's visit to Beijing came ahead of a meeting in California early next month between Xi and President Barack Obama, as well as a planned trip to Beijing by South Korean President Park Geun-hye in late June.

China is North Korea's last significant diplomatic ally and main source of trade and economic assistance. Ties between their insular communist governments have always been wrapped in secrecy and the contents of Kim's letter to Xi may never be revealed.

China is believed to have agreed to Choe's visit only after Pyongyang committed to returning to the process of negotiation, and required him to state that publicly twice before his meeting with Xi.

Pyongyang is thought to have a handful of nuclear bombs. It is unclear how far it has advanced in efforts to shrink a warhead down to fit on a missile, but many analysts believe that it hasn't yet mastered that miniaturization technology for a missile capable of hitting the United States.

Earlier Friday, a top Chinese general told Choe that Beijing wanted a peaceful, denuclearized Korean Peninsula, in a reiteration of China's established position that could also be seen as a rebuke to the North.

China's official Xinhua News Agency quoted Fan Changlong as telling Choe that tensions surrounding the nuclear issue have "intensified strategic conflicts among involved parties and jeopardized the peace and stability of the peninsula."

Xinhua quoted Choe as telling Fan that there is "no guarantee of peace," but that his country was "willing to work with all sides to search for a method of solving the problems through dialogue."

On Thursday, Choe told the ruling party's fifth-ranked official that North Korea "is willing to accept the suggestion of the Chinese side and launch dialogue with all relevant parties."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/nkorean-envoy-delivers-letter-chinas-president-155306602.html

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Seen and heard in Cannes

CANNES, France (AP) ? Associated Press journalists open their notebooks at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival


Talk about awkward.

Not only did Adele Exarchopoulos' father watch the graphic sex scenes between her and another woman in the movie "Blue Is The Warmest Color (La Vie D'Adele)," in competition at the Cannes Film Festival, she was with him when he took in the film at its premier.

"During the love scenes I was ill at ease with my father being there, but at the same time I wanted him to be there. And I knew that he would probably have a very good reaction because it's all a question of intelligence and he's intelligent and therefore would understand," said Exarchopoulos.

She added:

"During the sex scene I was looking at him, like, 'Oh my god, how does he feel' because I don't want to make him uncomfortable, you know?" the 19-year-old said in an interview. "I think I was trying to take a certain distance from what was happening during the love scenes."

In the film, Exarchopoulos stars as 15-year-old Adele. She's heterosexual, but after meeting co-star Lea Seydoux's Emma, falls in love and begins to struggle with her sexuality.

Exarchopoulos said she and Seydoux shared nervous giggles before filming the intimate scenes, but that's it.

"It really developed, there was no choreography at all. We tried to put ourselves in the situation, and it helped in a way that I was new to the situation because my character is new to the situation as well," she said. "So it was alright that I was destabilized. Lea was leading me and I was kind of following in the flow. But I must say it was a strong thing to play."

This is one of two films Seydoux is promoting at this year's festival. The other, "Grand Central," from director Rebecca Zlotowski, is showing in the Un Certain Regard category.

The actress, who cut her hair and dyed it blue for "Adele," said she liked the challenge of her role.

"I really enjoyed playing this part, this tomboy even if it was very difficult sometimes. I like to play parts that are complex, and I like ambiguity and I like contradictions as well, she's like, I like to really give something very subtle," she said.

?Reetu Rupal, http://www.twitter.com/r2today


Li Yu Chun doesn't exactly mesh with the image of most starlets who walk on the red carpets at the Cannes Film Festival.

Instead of flowing gowns, the Chinese singer has worn dramatic capes that accompany striking pantsuits. And while many female celebrities sport cascading locks, Chun has her hair cut short, pixie style.

"A lot of people are asking me 'Why aren't you wearing a long dress like a princess?'" said Chun, who came to the festival as a representative of the cosmetics brand L'Oreal. "I have another personality and that is why I have to show my own personality with the suits that fit me. That is why I love to work with L'Oreal because they have given me self-confidence."

Chun, who is known for her boyish, androgynous looks, said she was surprised to be chosen as a L'Oreal ambassador since she represents a different look than some of their other representatives at the festival, like Freida Pinto, Julianne Moore, Aishwarya Rai and Eva Longoria.

"Usually they choose girls with long hair and big waves in her hair and that is not exactly my image," she laughed. "That is why I was surprised but happily surprised."

Chun shot to fame when she won "Chinese Best Voices," that country's version of "American Idol. She said she was excited to be in Cannes for the festivities, but was also getting some work done as well.

"I am also participating in their meetings to discuss about how to represent and how to organize promoting events," the 29-year-old said. "They are organizing a lot of activities for me too and this is why I find it very very exciting."

? Sian Watson, http://www.twitter.com/sianwatson


For director Arnaud Desplechin, it was either Benicio Del Toro and Mathieu Amalric for "Jimmy P" or no movie.

"I thought if I can't have them, I won't do the film," he said in an interview this week.

Luckily for him, both Benicio Del Toro and Mathieu Amalric said yes to the project.

In "Jimmy P (Psychotherapy of a Plains Indian)," Amalric plays real-life French analyst Georges Devereux, who moved to the United States in the 1930s. He spent time living with Mojave Indians and helped develop the field of ethno-psychiatry, which studies the ways mental illness is understood in different cultural contexts.

Del Toro is his patient Jimmy Picard, who returned from World War II in France with a head injury and debilitating psychological symptoms his doctors were unable to diagnose.

Desplechin said it's the first time he's written a film with actors already in mind.

"I was so nervous when I started it because it was quite difficult to produce because the film is half French, half American, so it was quite tricky," he said. "So before writing it I was thinking who could play in that? I wrote it really for Benicio and Mathieu, they were the two guys."

Reetu Rupal, http://www.twitter.com/r2today

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/seen-heard-cannes-104555429.html

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শুক্রবার, ২৪ মে, ২০১৩

Sunrise Sunset ? A Tornado Thought



Living with Disaster

Living in Oklahoma we have been prepared over the weekend for a tornado and the tornado aftermath. ?We have a storm shelter with all the essentials inside it. ?We have the TV on most of the time during these sorts of weather outbreaks, watching and listening for important news. ?While yesterday the major storms had lost their tornadic activity by the time they reached the Tulsa area, we were still on the path and were thinking the devastation we were seeing in Moore was something that could realistically happen to us as well. It wasn?t until the storms were within about 30 miles that it became likely they were not going to be damaging. ?Even then we knew enough to not let our guard down and we didn?t until the threat had completely passed around midnight.

As the sun set last night I went out back, took this sunset picture and uploaded it to Facebook to show my friends around the world that we were safe.

Oklahoma Sunset After the Moore Tornado

Oklahoma Sunset After the Moore Tornado

Glass Half Full

A running buddy of mine, Jack Nation, commented on the pic saying, ?A new day brings hope for the future?.because I?m a half full kinda guy, I choose to look at this as a sunrise.?

I had been searching for just the right words for my napkin drawing this morning and my response became my napkin the moment I said it, ?A Sunset in One Place is always Sunrise Somewhere Else.? ?It reflects what I know to be true, even as I know it is a terrible sunset for many.

Have you ever experienced a sunset becoming a sunrise in your life?


Drawing, quote and commentary by Marty Coleman, who has survived a large earthquake.



Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheNapkinDadDaily/~3/P3Lt3_yxCk4/

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Service Members Battle Student Loan Debt at Home

Home ? College Admissions, Financial Aid, News

22 May 2013 1 views No Comment

Many military members are guided into bad repayment decisions by loan servicers.

Read the whole article originally published in: U.S. News - Education.

Source: http://www.financialaidnews.com/news/service-members-battle-student-loan-debt-at-home/

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Never-before-seen Pearl S. Buck novel will be released this fall

An unpublished manuscript by Pearl S. Buck titled 'The Eternal Wonder' was discovered last winter in a storage unit in Texas.

By Molly Driscoll,?Staff Writer / May 22, 2013

Pearl S. Buck's most famous novel, 'The Good Earth,' won the Pulitzer Prize in 1932.


A never-before-published book by writer Pearl S. Buck will be released after being discovered in a storage unit.

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The person who discovered the manuscript, which is titled ?The Eternal Wonder,? gave it to the Buck family this past December. It is thought that Buck finished the novel shortly before her death.

?The Eternal Wonder? is ?the coming-of-age story of Randolph Colfax, an extraordinarily gifted young man whose search for meaning and purpose leads him to New York, England, Paris and on a mission patrolling the DMZ in Korea that will change his life forever ? and, ultimately, to love,? says publisher Open Road Integrated Media, which will be releasing the book.

Buck?s son Edgar S. Walsh, who is also in charge of her literary estate, said her family is baffled as to how the manuscript made its way to Texas.

?After my mother died in Vermont, her personal possessions were not carefully controlled,? he told the New York Times. ?The family didn?t have access. Various things were stolen. Somebody in Vermont ran off with this thing, and it eventually ended up in Texas.?

Jane Friedman, the chief executive of publisher Open Road, told the NYT that the novel has everything Pearl S. Buck fans have come to enjoy.

?All of the themes that were important to Pearl Buck are in this book,? she said. ?The main character, the love, the attention to detail of the Chinese artifacts, the relationship this young man has. She writes in a way that is absolutely hypnotic.?

?The Eternal Wonder? is scheduled for a fall release.

Buck was the first female writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, securing the award in 1938. In addition, her novel ?The Good Earth? won the Pulitzer Prize in 1938.

Buck, whose parents were missionaries, grew up in China and lived there until she came to America to attend college. She went back after graduating in 1914 and lived there for some time before returning to the US permanently 20 years later, a few years after ?The Good Earth? was published in 1931. Buck died in 1973.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/NsZEUDDc8Sw/Never-before-seen-Pearl-S.-Buck-novel-will-be-released-this-fall

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Only this piece of the entry will be displayed on the main blog page and will show up in the RSS feed.","tag":"extract","useoption":"0","example":"[extract]This is an example![/extract]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"blog":{"id":"34","title":"Blog Link","desc":"This tag provides an easy way to link to a blog.","tag":"blog","useoption":"1","example":"[blog=100]Click me![/blog]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"entry":{"id":"35","title":"Blog Entry Link","desc":"This tag provides an easy way to link to a blog entry.","tag":"entry","useoption":"1","example":"[entry=100]Click me![/entry]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"twitter":{"id":"36","title":"Twitter","desc":"A tag to link to a user's twitter account","tag":"twitter","useoption":"0","example":"[twitter]userName[/twitter]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":"twitter.png"},"inline":{"id":"37","title":"Inline Code","desc":"Formats code inline instead of in a seperate code box. 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    2 Replies - 23 Views - Last Post: 26 minutes ago Rate Topic: -----

    #1 ball4life ?Icon User is online

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    Posted Today, 09:32 PM

    Hi could someone please explain to me what the concepts of linked lists are in Java or lead me to helpful websites that could help explain them?

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    #2 modi123_1 ?Icon User is offline

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    Re: Would like to understand linked lists

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    #3 Marva Jean ?Icon User is online

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    Re: Would like to understand linked lists

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    hope these websites makes you understand about linkedlist....


    Linked list

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    শুক্রবার, ১৭ মে, ২০১৩

    CBS adding Robin Williams comedy

    NEW YORK (AP) ? CBS on Wednesday revealed a few nips and tucks it is planning next season for what is already network television's most successful schedule, including adding a comedy with Robin Williams playing an unorthodox advertising executive with Sarah Michelle Gellar as his daughter.

    It will move "Person of Interest" to Tuesdays, pairing it with "NCIS" and "NCIS: Los Angeles" to have television's three most-watched dramas on the same night and the same network.

    Four comedies and one drama will debut on CBS this fall. CBS ordered only eight new series for the season, while rivals ABC, NBC and Fox are introducing a total of 41. CBS will end this season with the widest margin of victory in viewers of any network in 24 years and even win among the advertiser-desired demographic of 18- to 49-year-olds for the first time since the early 1990s, said Leslie Moonves, CBS Corp. CEO.

    Moonves took notice of how Jimmy Kimmel called CBS executives smug during ABC's schedule presentation on Tuesday, the late-night comic even adding an unprintable noun. If true, Moonves said, "I guess that means we're winning."

    The company's stock just exceeded $50 a share for the first time, said Moonves, who was given a $22 million signing bonus upon extending his contract last year.

    The network's annual schedule announcement to advertisers was less of a sales presentation than a celebration. The cast of "NCIS" and "The Big Bang Theory" stood on stage to accept applause for their top-ranked status.

    Even David Letterman, who usually avoids these events, appeared at what he called CBS' "little pledge drive." He hugged Moonves, a man he's often mocked on his late-night show, and said the executive was "the man who saved network television."

    Dealing with such riches, CBS rejected pilots of a "NCIS: Los Angeles" spinoff and a TV remake of "Beverly Hills Cop" backed by Eddie Murphy. Melissa McCarthy's popular comedy "Mike & Molly" was left off the schedule and stuck in the bullpen, ready to return to plug any holes. CBS ordered 22 episodes of the sitcom.

    Williams' comedy is called "The Crazy Ones," a reference to his comic style, and is getting a prime Thursday-night time slot after "The Big Bang Theory," television's most popular comedy. Among its producers is David E. Kelley.

    "We think this is going to be the most talked-about show this fall," said Nina Tassler, CBS' entertainment president.

    Chuck Lorre, TV's premiere comedy producer, is behind "Mom," a new Monday-night sitcom starring Anna Faris as a newly sober single mom with Allison Janney as her estranged mother. "We Are Men" is about four love-challenged single men living in the same apartment complex, with Tony Shalhoub as one of the stars.

    CBS' other new comedy is "The Millers," with Will Arnett playing a recently divorced man whose plans to enjoy the single life are disrupted when his parents move in.

    CBS is also trying something new in drama by ordering two limited-run series for its Monday-night schedule. "Hostages," produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, stars Toni Collette as a surgeon who is taken hostage the night before she is to operate on the president. After a 15-episode run, it will be replaced by "Intelligence," about an agent whose smarts are enhanced by a microchip implanted in his brain.

    The network is canceling "CSI: N.Y.," ''Vegas," ''Golden Boy" and "Rules of Engagement."

    The drama "Hawaii Five-0" will shift from Monday to Friday nights on the schedule. CBS usually runs drama reruns on Saturday, but next year will also air two comedies that night.

    Midseason shows include:

    ?"Reckless," a legal drama set in Charleston, S.C., where a Yankee litigator and Southern lawyer have the hots for each other despite being on opposite sides of a long-running case.

    ?"Friends With Better Lives," a romantic comedy. Like its title suggests, it focuses on six friends at different stages of their romantic lives, all wondering if their pals have it better.

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/cbs-adding-robin-williams-comedy-141123446.html

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    বৃহস্পতিবার, ৯ মে, ২০১৩

    Violet woman arrested in church embezzlement works for St ...

    She has no contact with contracts, money, checks... It's just paperwork." -- President Dave Peralta

    A Violet woman accused of stealing more than $100,000 from the church where she worked is employed by the St. Bernard Parish government's finance department and will remain there. Parish President Dave Peralta confirmed the woman's status with the parish on Wednesday, but said Trinette Johnson is in a clerical position and does not work with cash or checks.

    Johnson, 39, surrendered on April 19 to the parish jail after learning that a judge had signed a warrant for her arrest on a felony theft charge, according to the St. Bernard Parish Sheriff's Office. She is accused of embezzling money from the church since 2006.

    Peralta said Johnson manages project worksheets for the parish's FEMA projects and her salary is paid through FEMA funds.

    "It's just processing invoices and stuff like that," Peralta said. "She has no contact with contracts, money, checks. It's just paperwork. It's an office position, a clerical position, that is all."

    Peralta said that Johnson is one of five people who is a full-time parish employee assigned as a liaison with CDM Smith, which is contracted to manage recovery projects.

    Peralta said the parish checked over Johnson's work after her arrest "and everything looked fine."

    He said if she is convicted of the felony theft charge, "I would conduct an internal investigation in regards to the conviction and then determine whether to let her go.

    "It's an accusation at this time," Peralta said. "Until there is a disposition in the courts, I am not taking any action. It is not part of government. If this were a part of government, it would be different."

    The Sheriff's Office opened its investigation into the church embezzlement case after being asked to do so by church officials, the Sheriff's Office said last month.

    Johnson was a longtime secretary and account executive for the Greater Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church, 1904 Goodwill Drive in Violet, according to the Sheriff's Office. The church discovered that money was missing after a financial audit. The church's board of trustees reviewed the report from the auditing firm and alleged that Johnson had misappropriated $101,872 in church funds since Aug. 16, 2006, according to the Sheriff's Office.

    In February, the Sheriff's Office was presented with a letter signed by 33 members of the church that said the church wanted to pursue criminal charges in the matter. The church also handed over bank records going back to March 2006 and information that a forensic specialist with a CPA firm had been retained to identify the suspected theft of church funds.

    Johnson currently is out of jail on a $10,000 bond, the Sheriff's Office confirmed on Wednesday.

    Source: http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2013/05/violet_woman_accused_of_embezz.html

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    শুক্রবার, ৩ মে, ২০১৩

    Instagram's new 'Photos of You' feature lets users tag each other (video)

    Instagram 35 lets users tag each other in photos

    It was just a matter of time, really. We're well acquainted with Facebook letting us tag friends in our photos, so it's no shock that a similar feature has just spread to the social network's mobile darling, Instagram. The Android and iOS apps will both hit version 3.5 today, letting users tag others in a shot (whether or not they're human). A new Photos of You section has also been added to members' profiles, where you can see any photo linked to that account. As you might imagine, Instagram is already trying to head off potential privacy issues -- account holders have until May 16th before their Photos of You sections become public, and settings will let them turn down connections to any revealing (or simply inaccurate) images. The update is already available through the iTunes App Store and should be landing soon in Google Play. Hit up the source links if you've ever wanted to see how other Instagrammers see you.

    Filed under: , ,


    Via: Instagram

    Source: App Store, Google Play

    Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/eNnQjBt9EEo/

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    Hollywood Stars With Bad Teeth (Photos)

    Hollywood Stars With Bad Teeth (Photos)

    Stars with imperfect teethEveryone loves a pretty smile, but in Hollywood there are so many “perfect teeth” with blinding white veneers that celebrities with imperfect teeth do set themselves apart. Most people in the entertainment industry have million dollar smiles. Let’s check out a few stars that have the moolah to have perfect teeth but are happy with ...

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    Source: http://stupidcelebrities.net/2013/05/hollywood-stars-with-bad-teeth-photos/

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    বৃহস্পতিবার, ২ মে, ২০১৩

    Urban Homestead: Salad Greens - Food - San Antonio Current

    One advantage to growing your food is that you can see and experiment with the whole process. Case in point: salad greens. Most of us grew up with a base of Iceberg lettuce, maybe with shredded carrot and purple cabbage for color; the mix is still the standard at diners, chain restaurants, salad bars, and even the pre-packaged, fake-fresh ?bags-o-salad? available at most grocery stores. Which is why many people consider salads a boring side dish they subject themselves to because it?s ?healthy.? But the whole concept of salad should revolve around freshness, color, and a variety of textures, flavors, and juxtapositions. When you have enough pots or patches of young, tender leafy things growing in the back yard, salads can be a refreshing, healthy, and beautiful improvisation.

    Starting your own spring mix or mesclun blend is easy, thanks to seed packages geared toward adding variety, color, and texture to your garden as much as your salad bowl. Mixed red, green, and variegated lettuces are easy to start in pots or directly in the ground, along with tender spinach, chard, young beet greens (purples, actually) and the wide world of chicories: radicchio, fris?e, curly endive (escarole), and other varieties.

    Radicchio needs a winter frost for the classic purple and white heads, but tender spring-sown greens add sturdy texture and a slightly bitter, peppery bite to salads. The larger, deep green leaves are excellent chopped into creamy risottos, or blanched and wrapped around meat or rice fillings, and simmered in a tomato sauce.

    Arugula grows year-round for a sweet, peppery kick: plant liberally and often in different areas of the yard, and let a few plants go to seed. If you can keep the birds from stripping off all the seedpods, you?ll have enough for the rest of the year.

    For substance, add garden fresh cucumbers, sweet peppers, and baby radishes, or fresh herbs like parsley, basil, dill, and marjoram, all of which take to the San Antonio climate fairly well. For the ultimate spring flourish, add bright nasturtium blossoms or other edible flowers like pansies, violas, or oxalis blooms. If you haven?t planted them, don?t worry, they?re fairly easy to come by in the supermarket, look for the fresh herbs in the produce section and your floral salad friends shouldn?t be too far away.

    Source: http://sacurrent.com/dining/food/urban-homestead-salad-greens-1.1481757

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    Va. journal hires Library of Congress director

    CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (AP) ? A top literary journal founded in 1925 has hired a Library of Congress director to be its new editor.

    The Virginia Quarterly Review announced Wednesday that W. Ralph Eubanks will take over as editor, effective June 3.

    Eubanks is director of publishing at the library and becomes the Review's first black editor. There has been no permanent editor at the Review since last year, when Ted Genoways (JEHN'-uh-wayz) resigned.

    The Review is published by the University of Virginia and has had a brilliant and tragic history. It has received numerous awards and published many top writers. But in 2010 managing editor Kevin Morrissey committed suicide. Allegations quickly emerged that Genoways had been harassing Morrissey. The university concluded it could find no proof of wrongdoing, and Genoways denied the allegations and remained as editor.

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/va-journal-hires-library-congress-director-200315306.html

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